TRAMEDIC Bleeding Control Kit for Schools
The included instructions prioritize which injuries to treat first with the appropriate components. The instructions detail how to treat massive spurting blood loss with a tourniquet and how to treat oozing dark red blood with direct pressure using the gauze and hemostatic agent.
This exact kit is currently implemented into every public school in the state of South Carolina. The Tramedic® Bleeding Control Kit was selected in a team effort by state partners including Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System, the Medical University of South Carolina, Palmetto Health, and Grand Strand Health. They partnered with the state’s HPP Advisory Council and South Carolina DHEC to facilitate the project. The Bleeding Control Kits are in place for the 2018-2019 school year, with more than 19,000 kits being distributed throughout the state, and teachers and school officials will receive training on their use.
- 1x SOF® Tactical Tourniquet Wide – Rescue Orange
- 1x Tramedic® Trauma Bandage
- 1x ChitoGauze XR Pro Hemostatic Agent
- 1x 5.5″ Trauma Shears
- 1x Heat-Reflective Emergency Rescue Blanket
- 1x Black Sharpie
- 1PR Nitrile Gloves, size XL
- 1x Instruction Sheet
- 1x Red Pouch
- 1x Tramedic® Bleeding Control Patch