Public Access Bleeding Control Station – 8-PACK Vacuum Sealed Pouch – Low Profile Metal Station
Save lives! Stop life-threatening bleeding in the first critical minutes!
The first minutes following a traumatic injury are crucial in saving a life. Uncontrolled bleeding can result in death within minutes–even before emergency medical services or other emergency responders can arrive. North American Rescue® (NAR) Public Access Bleeding Control (PABC) Stations provide bystanders and initial first responders with quick and easy access to essential medical equipment to stop life-threatening bleeding in public buildings and populated public areas.
This PABC Station includes a clear wall mounted storage case equipped with eight (8) Vacuum Sealed Individual Bleeding Control Kits contained in an easy-to-open nylon carrying case. Also included is one (1) NAR Responder QuikLitter™ for moving injured casualties.
Designed to be mounted on a wall at a designated location or to be co-located with Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs), the NAR Public Access Bleeding Control Station provides publicly accessible medical supplies to control major bleeding.
The low-profile metal wall cabinet with 4-inch clearance provides convenient slimline storage for medical equipment. Its white powder painted corrosive resistant galvanized steel construction features a stainless-steel continuous hinge and magnetic closure providing quick easy access with one pull to open – No twist and pull. Also included are highly visible “Bleeding Control Kit” stickers for fast identification and convenient “Instructions for Use” located on the interior door panel.
NAR Low Profile Public Access Bleeding Control (PABC) Metal Stations are available in 4 configurations: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced BCD, and Advanced Celox™.
The Basic version of the NAR PABC Station provides 8 Individual Bleeding Control Kits (nylon or vacuum sealed) containing lifesaving equipment such as tourniquets, pressure dressings and gauze bandages made publicly accessible to help control bleeding and save lives.
Includes all equipment found in the Basic PABC Station with each of the 8 Individual Bleeding Control Kits also containing the added capability of treating penetrating chest wounds with the HyFin® Vent Compact Chest Seal Twin Pack (for entrance and exit wounds).
Includes all equipment found in the Intermediate PABC Station with each of the 8 Individual Bleeding Control Kits also containing the added capability of enhanced blood clotting abilities with a Hemostatic Bleeding Control Dressing for faster bleeding control.