Electric Powered Stair Chair
The all-new MTR Powered Stair Chair is the absolute best automatic track chair on the market. This product is commonly utilized for emergency evacuation purposes in educational institutions, medical centers, and hospitality establishments. It effectively ascends and descends stairs through durable knobby tracks. Various speeds can be controlled to ensure safety for both the patient and responders.
The handles can be adjusted and locked in convenient patient transfer. LED lights are integrated to aid in low-light conditions. It arrives ready for use, equipped with a Lithium battery and charging cable.
- 42in x 24in x 12in
- 500Lb Load Capacity
- Knobby tracks for traction on slick surfaces
- Rechargeable lithium battery
- Wear-resistant rubber wheels
- LED lights to assist in low-light situations
- Adjustable handles for ease of use at any angle
- Tracks move both directions for moving patients UP and DOWN stairs
- Adjustable speed motor
The Parke County Ambulance Service recently ordered 2 of Med Techs new electric Stair Chair’s. We were very reluctant about going with the electric Stair Chair’s because they are a little more expensive than a non-electric chair and weigh a little more, After using the electric Stair Chair’s that we purchased from Med Tech it is amazing the difference in the two. The electric chairs take no effort to operate. The crew members are really just steadying the. Chair as the chair does all the work for you. This will help reduce the number of back injuries from carrying a patient up or down a flight of stairs. We have used these chairs on some of our bigger employees as a test and it was•so easy to take them up and down even our steep stairway, It was amazing the difference in the amount of effort that you use between the stair chair and the electric stair chair. These chairs are very well built, They do not bog down when moving a larger patient up and down stairs. The LED light that is built in is very helpful when worklng in low light. It doe’s not put off to much light to bllnd the crew member at the feet but puts off enough light to safely maneuver up and . down stairs. Out sells rep. Joanna was very helpful in the ordering process and throughout delivery and set up, We would like to thank Med Tech for their help in the ordering of these new electric Stair Chairs. I think that these will be a great tool for our ambulance service.
MTR Customers, The Pawnee Fire Protection District EMS members and command staff have reviewed and rated the new battery powered stair chair both thru unorthodox firehouse shenanigans and in the field actual patient usage. The notes are below: Application: Excellent for use on actual indoor enclosed stairwells even if the if the idiot who framed the stairwell should not be allowed to build houses. Very steep and narrow areas it excelled. Ease of use: There was a bit of a learning curve but we got it figured out before it got out in service. If my folks can use it, your folks can use it. Not too many moving parts to speak of. Storage: It folds up in a decent package where it can put in use in seconds. It’s not light weight if that’s what your thinking though. Lots of metal and a solid battery. Eat your meat and potatoes! Battery Life: Well so far so good. We are not a high volume agency we answer about 300 ems calls annually. If this changes I will be sure to update you. Safety: I have no problem putting my 289 lb 6ft rump on this whole letting my folks practice with it. It’s a backsaver and a patient saver.
Value: Worth every penny and more. Folks I trust this product enough to haul my family and friends on and I have. Margaret has always been fair with me and they sell quality products.
We are so excited about our new electric Stair Chair!!! The community of Happy Camp has a lot of homes built on hills as our area is very mountainous. Many homes have stairways, some of which are very narrow and long. The local fire department has a long and steep stairway, so we chose this a our initial training location. The ease of operation of the chair and the ability to carry a load up or down the stairs made this training a lot of fun. Following this training, we put the chair into service. It has been amazing! We have been able to easily move pts downstairs. At night, the lighting feature has worked exceptionally well. Though the chair has some weight to it, it is not too difficult to manager getting in or out of the ambulance in a timely manner. We want to thank Jessica and the MTR Superstore team for their continued effort to bring products to the industry that are affordable and practical. Thank you all so much!